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I too made a logo using AI generated images. (MidJourney rather than Dall-E 2)


I was prompted to write this post after seeing the discussion on Hacker News of a logo generated by a user using Dall-E 2.

My journey was similar but much faster and if I'm being honest gave a better result that is more "logo" like, cheaper and scales better. The original post's result was more like a mascot in my mind, than a logo (but that could be what the author was trying to achieve).

It's not a completely AI automated process but took 90% of the human designer out of the equation.

Spoiler - my completed logo looks like this:

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Impossible alarm times


Tonight British Summer Time comes to an end with the clocks being moved back by 1 hour at 2am (set again to 1am).

This sort of playing around with times and dates can cause software issues, so I had a look to see how Android alarm (stock Android 9) handles it, specifically after setting an alarm a toast pops up saying something like "Alarm set for 3 hours 15 minutes".

Sure enough, Android was up to scratch and at 10pm setting an alarm for 3am gave me the expected "Alarm set for 6 hours".

However there is a strange hour of real world time that you can't set an alarm for in advance.

E.g. At 01:10 (BST) you cannot set an alarm for 1hr 30m in the future. Normally this would be 02:40, but will have rolled around to 01:40 (GMT).

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Article 13 and problems for content creators


This post is a response to a discussion I’ve been having via Facebook with a friend around the European Union’s recently passed Article 13 and the effect it may have on culture but more specifically small artists. Due to the previous conversation, I mainly refer to music & games but the basic arguments hold for other media and content. I’ve pulled this out into a separate post as it was getting a bit long for a Facebook reply...


I refer to Article 13 throughout as this is how it has been known and debated for many years, however at the last moment it was renamed as Article 17.

For general information and criticism of Article 13 I recommend the writings of German MEP Julia Reda.

Let me also include a Caveat - I’m neither strongly pro, nor anti EU, despite having been lumped into one “team” in the aftermath of the UK's referendum of 2016. I’m still a believer in the benefits and negatives of being part of a primarily economic union, but without the political union (specifically foreign and home policies). As such this post is an attempt at discussing the specifics of Article 13 without getting bogged down in any of the other politics around Brexit.

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ColdTurkey - coupons. Reclaiming my focus


Check here for current discounts : discount

So I'm actually quite a bad procrastinator. I use things like RescueTime to keep track of how I'm doing and while I generally achieve ~70% productivity, I'm all too aware that I waste too much time on YouTube or other sites when I should be getting work done.

I know the best way to beat procrastination long term is by changing habits and force of will, but sometimes we need technology to aide us in becoming better people.

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Android phone (Wileyfox) charge stuck at 0%


I recently had problems with my WileyFox Swift phone - the battery was completely drained to 0%.

When attempting to charge from any source the phone would automatically switch on and boot (apparently this happens with some kernels). This would then use power faster than it was charging and reset itself - ultimately getting stuck in an endless loop.

Leaving this for 12 hours I would still see 0% battery when in Android and the reboot cycle continued.


After some experimenting, by restarting the phone into the bootloader menu (hold power and volume down when it restarts) I was able to get to a state where it was using less power than was going in. This let the battery trickle charge.

After 4 hours charging in this state I booted into Android and was met with a wonderful "3%" battery showing. From here the phone charged normally and has been fine ever since.

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